20 minutes exercise for good health

Many thinks,to maintain good health,to keep away chronic disease,hard exercise is important unless there is not any fruitfulness for body.

For this reason,many becomes bewilder.So they are reluctant to do any kinds of physical exercise.They think that what benefits bear this exercise?So many hard exercise is not possible for me at all?

But the above myth is not true.Again this myth is written with orderly in a nice book,Surprising science reveals how we can :exercise better train smarter,live longer.Written Grechen Renolds.She has been writing in New York Times in Phy Ed column for about one decade,amusement popularity column:lot of email has come about this column in this week.

You seem to read its subtitle that what is the expecting sides to keep body fit,has brought to light a brave promise.

Surprising suggestions from Renolds,is that,we should lot of exercise everybody,is not,to remove men,s wrong idea of exercise is given this suggestion.How much exercise is needed to boost up sports performance whilst to maintain normal good health,little exercise is absolutely needed in deed.

We do not need marathon running lest we need just normal walking or jogging.No need to sweating from body through biking;what peak oxygen level at body,did not need any measuring.It is enough to doing something,oh,it is ok.

Why is better in standing than sitting?Bring good results for body by little exercise.At first 20 minutes exercise is better than sitting and lying.

First 20 minutes if body becomes active,age will be increase,reduce risk of disease.If I say about Americans,two-third people do not do any exercise.So,if those people stands up,walking 20 minutes,grand profits.More benefits more than 20 minutes.To keep good health 20 minutes exercise is enough.

Many men do not discriminate between exercise and weight loss.So,they give up exercise and think it is difficult and not beneficial.

Many men continue exercise but do not gain weight loss,at once they avoid exercise.Many men do not understand it is more important to maintain fitness than fat deposition in body.

Why neglecting exercise if excessive do not reduce?Hence body is little heavy but fitness is better,thereafter,Vo12 Max or well healthy to accept body of oxygen,so,diabetes,heart disease,cancer will keep away.

To be liked to promote fitness ;either weight loss or not;damn care.So exercise program should be commenced to improve fitness ,first either weight loss or not.Will be gain prolong life and prolong healthy life.It is good if men think that exercise is a way to become long life.

Only for to be lean and thin,why?

People,s wrong in their mind about exercise,also has shown Miss Grichen Renolds.Many guess ,exercise should be industrious,exercise means marathon or it means 3 hours biking or difficult exercise which will sweat from body.Absolutely wrong this idea.

Many men dishearten due to this wrong idea.If you are walking,body understand that he is running and for this reason,all physical activity  is being changed positively and goes to healthy way.

Gardening is also a good exercise.If we forget hard exercise,we will be more movement,more running,do not sitting or lying,isn,t it excellent?

Grichen Renolds often is used to write in health column,about harmful sides of sitting and lying.

After writing the book she altered of his self fitness program.Exercise commence by stretching.Standing and sitting is also added.She also informed,to strategy to be running during exercise.

It is right to drink water for thirsty but exercise is not.

It does not need so many.Many men do not get time,it should not need sufficient time for exercise.To maintain good health,exercise do not need enough.Competition exercise does not also need.It is enough to be healthy and fit.

Now one is running 2 or 3 miles.He runned 4 or 5 miles before,do not need.Now 20 minutes exercise is enough,to remain good health.

Why is sitting?Sometimes it is good to read newspaper standing.Many men works 4 to 5 hours incessant,they can stand up every after 20 minutes and walking here and there.Many diseases are inducing to you,so if you want to keep away from these,standing from sitting and walking to and fro.

If that time,you can not move anywhere,just enough in standing,also great benefits.

Standing up while phone,why do you use phone at sitting or lying?Avoid prolong sitting,standing instead.If you want to be healthy life,to be cheerful and triumph,then strictly maintain Reynolds suggestion "walking".Easiest exercise.Whatever can do everyone.

If anyone is reluctant walking-swimming is good for them.There are many alternatives to be running,some what hurts,some what create pain,avoid.No need to buy any equipment.It is good if you have any a pair comfortable show,why slickers?Many guess,exercise episodes will be complexity,heart bit monitoring,a coach,equipment,specific advice and suggestion.But it is true that it is not essential.

Human body is a coach.If you listen your body,s speaking then this Mr.can tell you when you are doing hard exercise.If you fell pain,reduce exercise,feel well,only is feeling good,it is just wanted.Be flexible,easy and simple movement,can  change life.