Excessive iodine is also harmful for body

Iodine deficient is a great health problem for world wide.For this reason,to prevent deficiency of iodine,it should be added with salt.So many days ago,it was guessed that if anyone swallows excessive iodine,it excretes with urine or piddle.But a new information findings which has brought to light in a famous journal,that excessive iodine is extremely harmful for health.

It is one kind of mineral salt-which is found in sea fish or sea food,vegetables,milk,water,granulated crops.It helps to generate activity of thyroid gland which plays an important role escaping thyroxine hormone which also plays an important role physical and mental growing.

Chinese researchers have brought an information to light in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that those who take 400 micro- gram or above,they suffer hypothyroidism problem.But the health scientists did not take any final decision about this matter.But it should be careful about this new information.Daily 150 micro-gram iodine need for our body,which is possible to fill up to intake by 10 to 15 gm iodine salt.

Apple prevents kidney cancer
There is a proverb in English that eat an apple daily and keep away from doctor.It prevents kidney cancer.Swedish suffer kidney cancer most amongst the world.So a researching was provided on Swedish virtue of apple.The researchers made to eat an apple to the participators daily that has shown that the people who ate an apple daily,they are now low risk of kidney cancer than others who did not participate this researching project.But orange,deep green vegetables are also source of this.