Kidney disease and low back pain

Every people sometimes feel back pain in his/her whole life.Low back pain patients with kidney disease gather at outdoor of the  today most seen.When patients come at the outdoor of the hospitals at first begin screening that actually they are affected kidney disease,but unfortunately there is nothing found of kidney problem.Actually,though,low back pain symptoms is one of the kidney disease signs.

Low back pain is not one of the signs of it's.Many men or woman think that probably they have kidney problem.Actually it is not always true.

Causes of low back pain:
There are many causes of low back pain except kidney disease and spinal bones problem.LBP causes are clarified below;

1.Obesity or heavy weight of the body
2.Spinal bones problem such as degeneration of the bones,direct blow or trauma at the bones,tumor,TB etc.
3.Strain of the besides muscles of the spine
4.Uneven shoes such as high heel
5.Problems of the cervix such as inflammation or tumor
6.Inflammation of the urinary bladder or infection of kidney
7.Stone of kidney or urinary bladder
8.Kidney tumor or cyst
10.Sudden kidney failure
11.Slow or prolong kidney disease
12.Tumor,infection,inflammation,cyst adjacent area of kidney


2.Urine R/M/E
4.USG of whole abdomen
5.X-ray of KUB
6.X-ray of lumbo-sacral spine B/V.If some problems detect one of examinations,next assessment should be done by specialist physician.

What can you do:-
If there is nothing found in examinations rest and some pain killer should be advised.Again physiotherapy should be taken but remember excessive pain killer is harmful for health which can damage kidney as well as other organs.

Some suggestions for LBP:-
1.Sleep plain surface and hard bed

2.Don't lift heavy weight or works
3.Don't do any work at front bending
4.Control your body weight
5.Keep upright position during sitting on chair
6.Don't use high heel shoes or sandal
7.Praying prayers sitting on chair
8.Using high commode
9.Don't use tube-well specially those who dwells in village or remote are
10.Don't see television long time at lying on sofa
11.Keep body straight during walking or running
12.Use lumbar corset belt
13.Don't use stair instead of lift
14.At last follow correct exercise by the advise of the physiotherapist.