Kidney disease and low back pain

Every people sometimes feel back pain in his/her whole life.Low back pain patients with kidney disease gather at outdoor of the  today most seen.When patients come at the outdoor of the hospitals at first begin screening that actually they are affected kidney disease,but unfortunately there is nothing found of kidney problem.Actually,though,low back pain symptoms is one of the kidney disease signs.

Low back pain is not one of the signs of it's.Many men or woman think that probably they have kidney problem.Actually it is not always true.

Causes of low back pain:
There are many causes of low back pain except kidney disease and spinal bones problem.LBP causes are clarified below;

1.Obesity or heavy weight of the body
2.Spinal bones problem such as degeneration of the bones,direct blow or trauma at the bones,tumor,TB etc.
3.Strain of the besides muscles of the spine
4.Uneven shoes such as high heel
5.Problems of the cervix such as inflammation or tumor
6.Inflammation of the urinary bladder or infection of kidney
7.Stone of kidney or urinary bladder
8.Kidney tumor or cyst
10.Sudden kidney failure
11.Slow or prolong kidney disease
12.Tumor,infection,inflammation,cyst adjacent area of kidney


2.Urine R/M/E
4.USG of whole abdomen
5.X-ray of KUB
6.X-ray of lumbo-sacral spine B/V.If some problems detect one of examinations,next assessment should be done by specialist physician.

What can you do:-
If there is nothing found in examinations rest and some pain killer should be advised.Again physiotherapy should be taken but remember excessive pain killer is harmful for health which can damage kidney as well as other organs.

Some suggestions for LBP:-
1.Sleep plain surface and hard bed

2.Don't lift heavy weight or works
3.Don't do any work at front bending
4.Control your body weight
5.Keep upright position during sitting on chair
6.Don't use high heel shoes or sandal
7.Praying prayers sitting on chair
8.Using high commode
9.Don't use tube-well specially those who dwells in village or remote are
10.Don't see television long time at lying on sofa
11.Keep body straight during walking or running
12.Use lumbar corset belt
13.Don't use stair instead of lift
14.At last follow correct exercise by the advise of the physiotherapist.

Garlic is a nice medicine

1.Garlic is a spicy food which have lot of minerals.Some food scientists think that it is a mini store of minerals.

2.It has lot of carbohydrate,protein,phosphorus,aluminum,calcium,riboflavin,copper,manganese,selenium,zinc,and vitamin c.
3.It is a nice antibiotic,antiseptic,anti-fungal,anti-virus,anti-bacterial,and prevents our diseases.
4.It has lot of vitamin c which prevents scurvy as well as it keeps blood vessels soft.
5.There is a chemical substance in garlic which name is "azoin".This chemical substance to be blood clotting as well as it plays vital role to reduce blood cholesterol.
6.It's mineral "sulphar" helps to secreting many types of hormones of our body.
7.It is very useful treatment in case of heart disease.
8.Renowned doctors of the world has said that it reduces blood pressure
9.It's component alicin acts as great vital role to cure wound.This component also eradicate TB,dysentery,typhoid etc
10.Are you affected in cold?eat garlic.
11.It is an useful spicy for diabetes(type 1 and type 2).It controls diabetes by reducing blood sugar

Physicians gave me a proposal of death to me-says Stephen Hawkin

British physics scientist Stephen Hawkin have reached near to death in 1985.Physicians proposed to him to give death to him to reduce death sufferings during the time when he admitted in hospital.But Stephen wife,Zene,opposed to doctors not to turn off life support.Today's one of the best scientist at his documentary life "HAWKIN".News of Sunday Times

In 1985 he was dwelling in Swezerland.He was writing of his famous book 'A Brief History time' have sold most ever.Then he was affected in pneumonia due chest infection.Drugs for using to reduce pneumonia as side-effects he has gone in coma.

Hawkin says in his documentary film to remember his dramatical life,"That time I was near to death.My life was made by  artificial life support.Physicians made a decision to reduce my death sufferings to turn off my life support."but my wife gave a veto.Zene told to doctors not to put off life support.

The documentary film will release the last time of this year.The audience will know briefly of about Stephen Hawkin's life.Also Zene remind this acrid experience.Three sons owner Zene says,"Husband's renown and sickness,we are sinking day by day into a blackhole.

Hawkin has been suffering motor neuron disease last 5 years.Doctors says that no one live more than 5 years if any one is affected by this disease.But Hawkin is still alive in this planet.Hawkin eventually has said that I am more renowned of my physical disabilities and my wheelchair than all of my famous inventories.
Posted on 10:47 PM | Categories:

Sleep of the new born babies

New born babies sleep 18 to 20 hours per day first some days.When they feel hungry,they arise anfd begin to sleep after eating some foods.Many mother complaints that her baby sleeps day time and arise in night time.So the mother become anxious for this.Actually it is not any problem of the babies.

There is no actually any solution for this but some strategy can be taken to reduce this problem:
1.Milk should not be drunk during sleeping
2.Make a deep sleep by breast feeding and once let the baby to lye on the surface bed
3.Baby's sleep should be made by sewing
4.Make baby's sleep by singing songs and create an enjoyable sleeping life.
5.Talk with soft sound near baby's ear
6.Make slow walking to take the baby with lap

7.Turn off the light during breast feeding
8.Change wet clothes due time
9.Make belching after taking meal if necessary and lying on the bed quickly
10.Keep the room and bed neat and clean.
11.Keep the noses clean if the baby is affected with flue or cold
12.Keep open the doors and windows to maintain ventilation
13.Wear 100% cotton clothes
14.Erase baby's sweat during sleeping
15.Bath daily if possible
16.Make sleeping habit in same bed and room daily

Physical therapy treatment for low back pain

Today many people saying that he/she is suffering shoulder pain,back pain,or thoracic region pain.Somebody think that these diseases occur due to changing food habit or industrial air pollution or gigantic building.But researching shows that low back pain may be revealed without this causes.Low Back Pain patients is increasing by alarming rate that even after one in a family is suffering by this disease.20 to 60 age people are suffering this disease most.World Back Pain  society  has said that 80% people are suffering by this disease.                                                                                                                                                                      Our waist is called lumbo sacral region.Lumbo sacral region is accompanied by lumber vertebrae where have five vertebrae and one attached sacral vertebrae. There is situated one kind of soft substance which is called disc.This disc act as shock absorber.To keep this spine tight,bones,muscles,tendon,ligament work together.Spinal cord is situated in this spine.Various types of nerve spread out to whole body from it.This spine bear our body weight and helps to do daily works.Back pain may appear for many causes sch as 70% mechanical,10% degeneration,4% disc problem,4% osteoporosis,3% spinal stenosis, 2% spondylolisthesis,and 7% others.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
                                                                                                                                                                     Besides this,10% adult people suffer chronic back pain.Employment report has shown that 12% official executives suffer by this disease.Back pain reveal due to postural problem.Example-If we work prolong sitting,prolong standing,prolong bending in front,or lift heavy weight in bending position.                                                                                                                                                                                                      Sometimes LBP may arise due to sudden fall down,or direct blow to waist or accidental.Obesity or heavy weight of the body lead to severe backache.Besides this,problem of facet joints or sacroiliac joints can lead to severe backache.At last,there is an important cause for LBP is muscles imbalance.                                                                                                                                                                                                          If there is problem in lumber spine LBP may arise.This pain may be local or radiating to thigh or lower legs.This pain can arise slowly or suddenly.This pain hampers our daily   this pain arise during sitting,standing or lying.On the other hand,this pain also  during walking or lying.The patients sometimes feel pain during coughing.Also backache may feel side muscles of the lumber spine and lower abdomen muscles.This pain depends on whatever irreverent of lumber spine.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Correct physiotherapeutic examination is very important.History of the disease and diagnosis is also very essential.An experienced physiotherapist will ask to patients many questions such as when initiate pain,pain origin and insertion,how do you feel today,and stops your pain,what types of work induce your pain etc.You will find that what is relation your pain with sitting,lying,walking,standing or during rest.                                                                                                                                                                                                        After this assessment physiotherapist will find where is your problem?Example-bones,disc,ligament,tendon or muscles.Guess,your problem in muscles.Then physiotherapist will find where is problem of muscles?Besides this,you need x-ray,MRI,CT scan,or blood test.By this examination a physiotherapist can understand that you have degeneration,inflammation,infection,cancer,or cyst.You will also contact a medicine specialist.Besides this,you can use lotion or cream on painful are.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        There should be a change of your food list such as abundant water should be drunk,lots of fruits should be eaten.Rice or carbohydrate food should be eaten less.Cure rate will be very nice if you sleep eight hours per day.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Anyway,manual therapy is the best treatment among physiotherapy.Accompanied with this therapy low level  laser therapy,ultrasound therapy,wax bath therapy,cryotherapy,should  be indicated.But long time rest your symptoms will be increased.So movement in house,doing some light works in house help to you to reduce the symptoms.You should be remembered that your disc will remain flexible and mobility with movement.                                                                                                                                                                          So you yourself check your pain which works bring your pain or which works reduce your pain.You observe what types of work you feel comfortable,abide this.Correct posture should be maintained during prolong sitting so that your disc bear low weight of your body.During lifting heavy weight should be follow correct postures such as lift heavy weight as knee and hip bending keeping with waist upright position.                                                                                                                                                                                Do correct exercise according to back pain specialist.We hope you will be cure very soon.Believe it or not passive manipulation and mobilization   will cure you very soon.