From some days before,Shuvo is absent minded and bad tempered.He feels in ear loaded,itching and damp.Black sweepings is secreting from using cotton bud.Very disgusting feelings.If friends see this condition,very shyness.
On the other hand,Pusmita,s mother is very tension of her little baby.From some days ago,she is saying,"pain feeling in ears".Something like damp papers is coming from ears when is cleaning the ears.Child,s ear must be examined by a doctor,think Puspita,s mother.Though the above problems are different according to place,time,and situation but these problems have created due to fungal infection.Which name is otomycosis.
Bangladesh is a six seasons country.Due to sun,moist,damp weather,fungal infection is very friendly situation in our country.Besides this,fungal infection becomes very easy if some one is affected by diabetes and deficiency of antibody power of body.
Fungal infection:who are liable?
Various types of fungal infection is found.Among them some looks black,some looks brown,some looks white and some are watery sticky paper.How do you know what type of fungus you have attacked or what type of infection you have?
1.Discomfort in ear
2.Pain in ear
3.Ear seems closing
4.Itching in ear
5.Low hearing in ear
6.Ear feels damp.Sometimes something liquid substance secretes.But this amount is not much.
What is found if once ear is tested:-
1.Looking normal condition from outside
2.Over infection can lead to skin infection
3.Fungus lump/clod can be found from ear hole to ear curtain which is 1 inch.
4.Liquid substance excretes from ear if bacterial infection occur.Even bad smell is found from liquid sweepings.Fungus lump/clod looks like black,brown,white or damp paper.
5.Ear curtain will be normal but sometimes it will be reddish depends on its severity.
Does any examination need?
1.Fungus samples should be collected from ear with great care by germ free methods;then it should be sent to laboratory for culture and sensitivity examination.
2.The patients who affect recurrence fungal infection,they should check amount of sugar in their blood.Because patients are more risky fungal infection of ear.
Now it is completed of diagnosis,it turns of treatment.
Treatment will be chosen how?or what treatment?
An ENT specialist will observe the total condition of the patient and he will hear patients history details,examination of ear etc.Then he makes to get fungus clod outside from ear.He makes dry the ear.
Then he has given fungal preventive drugs,drop,or ointment.Many types of medicines are found in market in many names and eventually ear will be cured.
Besides this,diabetes should be treated if associated with ear problem.After finishing medicinal course,to prevent of recurrence,should be re-consulted with doctor.If pain is appeared in ear,NSAID or pain killer should be swallowed.If infection occurred due to bacteria,antibiotic should be used carefully.Perfect medicines as well as anti-histamin should be selected to reduce itching.
Treatment should be accepted by a trained and experienced ENT specialist and should be followed up.Otherwise it may be caused any fetal condition.
What steps should be taken to prevent otomycosis:
1.Should be avoid poke of ear by stick of match,cotton bud,wing of hens,stick of sweeping,cap of pens etc
2.Should not be cleaned ear by someone.
3.Should not be bathed in contaminated water
4.Should not be bathed by diving in water
5.Should be controlled diabetes.
On the other hand,Pusmita,s mother is very tension of her little baby.From some days ago,she is saying,"pain feeling in ears".Something like damp papers is coming from ears when is cleaning the ears.Child,s ear must be examined by a doctor,think Puspita,s mother.Though the above problems are different according to place,time,and situation but these problems have created due to fungal infection.Which name is otomycosis.
Bangladesh is a six seasons country.Due to sun,moist,damp weather,fungal infection is very friendly situation in our country.Besides this,fungal infection becomes very easy if some one is affected by diabetes and deficiency of antibody power of body.
Fungal infection:who are liable?
Various types of fungal infection is found.Among them some looks black,some looks brown,some looks white and some are watery sticky paper.How do you know what type of fungus you have attacked or what type of infection you have?
1.Discomfort in ear
2.Pain in ear
3.Ear seems closing
4.Itching in ear
5.Low hearing in ear
6.Ear feels damp.Sometimes something liquid substance secretes.But this amount is not much.
What is found if once ear is tested:-
1.Looking normal condition from outside
2.Over infection can lead to skin infection
3.Fungus lump/clod can be found from ear hole to ear curtain which is 1 inch.
4.Liquid substance excretes from ear if bacterial infection occur.Even bad smell is found from liquid sweepings.Fungus lump/clod looks like black,brown,white or damp paper.
5.Ear curtain will be normal but sometimes it will be reddish depends on its severity.
Does any examination need?
1.Fungus samples should be collected from ear with great care by germ free methods;then it should be sent to laboratory for culture and sensitivity examination.
2.The patients who affect recurrence fungal infection,they should check amount of sugar in their blood.Because patients are more risky fungal infection of ear.
Now it is completed of diagnosis,it turns of treatment.
Treatment will be chosen how?or what treatment?
An ENT specialist will observe the total condition of the patient and he will hear patients history details,examination of ear etc.Then he makes to get fungus clod outside from ear.He makes dry the ear.
Then he has given fungal preventive drugs,drop,or ointment.Many types of medicines are found in market in many names and eventually ear will be cured.
Besides this,diabetes should be treated if associated with ear problem.After finishing medicinal course,to prevent of recurrence,should be re-consulted with doctor.If pain is appeared in ear,NSAID or pain killer should be swallowed.If infection occurred due to bacteria,antibiotic should be used carefully.Perfect medicines as well as anti-histamin should be selected to reduce itching.
Treatment should be accepted by a trained and experienced ENT specialist and should be followed up.Otherwise it may be caused any fetal condition.
What steps should be taken to prevent otomycosis:
1.Should be avoid poke of ear by stick of match,cotton bud,wing of hens,stick of sweeping,cap of pens etc
2.Should not be cleaned ear by someone.
3.Should not be bathed in contaminated water
4.Should not be bathed by diving in water
5.Should be controlled diabetes.