Prediction of heart disease by blood test

Prediction of heart disease will be confirmed by blood test.Recent Americans researchers have brought to light in "Science Translational Medicine".According to researching some exceptional blood cells have in heart disease affected.

By which,prediction of heart disease will be found out.It is mention that smoking,obesity,high cholesterol,are causes of heart attack.Now a days,as we we have known to causes of heart attack,we did not know it is occurring of predictable time.But at present we can know the prediction of heart attack.So treatment will be receiving before heart attack.

                                      Artificial DNA revolution success
Deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA is a messenger of human body structure and activity.Recently British Scientists have able to create artificial DNA and RNA fusion of revolutionary understanding.Researchers Philip Hogger and his assistants of Medical Research Council Laboratory of the UK  six molecule as DNA and RNA and gave them name is xenonucleuc acid or XNA..They also discovered how DNA cell fusion as tissue and mother cell at child body.

They surprisingly follow that new criteria also has transferred to XNA.BBC,s opinion is that success of DNA creating will also discover of synthetic biology  in next future.Inheritance of gene and revolution,life,s important criteria except DNA or RNA,other polymer is possible to create -scientist Philip Holigger discovered this researching.