New born babies sleep 18 to 20 hours per day first some days.When they feel hungry,they arise anfd begin to sleep after eating some foods.Many mother complaints that her baby sleeps day time and arise in night time.So the mother become anxious for this.Actually it is not any problem of the babies.
There is no actually any solution for this but some strategy can be taken to reduce this problem:
1.Milk should not be drunk during sleeping
2.Make a deep sleep by breast feeding and once let the baby to lye on the surface bed
3.Baby's sleep should be made by sewing
4.Make baby's sleep by singing songs and create an enjoyable sleeping life.
5.Talk with soft sound near baby's ear
6.Make slow walking to take the baby with lap
7.Turn off the light during breast feeding
8.Change wet clothes due time
9.Make belching after taking meal if necessary and lying on the bed quickly
10.Keep the room and bed neat and clean.
11.Keep the noses clean if the baby is affected with flue or cold
12.Keep open the doors and windows to maintain ventilation
13.Wear 100% cotton clothes
14.Erase baby's sweat during sleeping
15.Bath daily if possible
16.Make sleeping habit in same bed and room daily
There is no actually any solution for this but some strategy can be taken to reduce this problem:
1.Milk should not be drunk during sleeping
2.Make a deep sleep by breast feeding and once let the baby to lye on the surface bed
3.Baby's sleep should be made by sewing
4.Make baby's sleep by singing songs and create an enjoyable sleeping life.
5.Talk with soft sound near baby's ear
6.Make slow walking to take the baby with lap
7.Turn off the light during breast feeding
8.Change wet clothes due time
9.Make belching after taking meal if necessary and lying on the bed quickly
10.Keep the room and bed neat and clean.
11.Keep the noses clean if the baby is affected with flue or cold
12.Keep open the doors and windows to maintain ventilation
13.Wear 100% cotton clothes
14.Erase baby's sweat during sleeping
15.Bath daily if possible
16.Make sleeping habit in same bed and room daily