Skin disease:Tinea Versicolor

Tinea versicolor is a common disease in our country.8-10% people can be affected by  this..Males are more risky than females.It lures in hot and moist climate.It does not lead to any complication in future except mild itching and awkward looking.

Causes of it:
Its main cause is one kind of malassezia fungus which can be many types.They live in skin as parasite without any complication and it accepts death tissue  and escaping oil from skin as food.But when their amount increase due to hot and sweating,then they create disease.

Where its accommodation:
It is found in chest,back,throat and hands.Sometimes especially it can be found in face of the children.

How does it look:
It is round with sniffing and can mix together.Skin color may be mild than other places of the body or light brown or rosy.Sometimes fiber cover may be shown.Generally whose skin is deep color,their skin may be mild to look at and who are white color,their skin color may be light brown or rosy.Sometimes patients feel itching

Selenium sulphide,or fungus preventive medicines or shampoo or cream can be used and among these fungus preventive medicines can be used as orally.Propylene glycol or sodium thiosulphate also may be used.There is fully possible to cure from it in case of light brown or rosy but expected curing is not possible in case of wan color.

In hot weather there is lot of sweating and oil from our body which helps to grow its production.Sweating or oil can be removed by repeated bathing.Many times it can not be removed by treatment but can be controlled by treatment.This type of skin color may be looked due to others skin disease.So it is possible to be well to take proper treatment.

Disease due to adenoid gland problem

A child who will be about 5/6 years.He arises from his sleep in the morning with phlegm from noses .He is always affected in cold .He used to use some medicines months to months to reduce cold.But there is no improvement the situation.He is not only in coughing but also mild fever.Then he becomes well after using antibiotic,antihistamine,nose drop etc.This is continuing last some years.The problem is not reducing rather increasing.Once he feels insomnia.Whole night is continuing with little sleeping and with phlegm.In this situation his parents took him an ENT specialist.The doctor observed him very carefully.

Then the doctor suggested him to do an x-ray of adenoid gland.After x-ray,there is a problem is seen in adenoid gland.Doctor gave them a suggestion for operation.At last operation is done.Now the child is complete well.Gradually he is becoming in healthy baby.Many children are also suffering this disease with it.

Although the word "adenoid" is unknown but it is seen available.A statistics has shown that the children who had an experience of operation,among then adenoid operation is one of them.

Tonsil is also familiar to all.So,there is problem shown in throat,tonsil matter comes first.Many think that its problem is as well as tonsil problem.It is a different things.But it has a similarity with tonsil structurally.For this reason,if there is problem in tonsil,there have also problem in adenoid.Simultaneously,if there is problem in adenoid,there  have also problem in tonsil.

It becomes large mostly between 3 to 7 years and smaller between 8 to 10 years.If someone has an experience a derangement of this,he/she can be affected by this disease.

Diagnosis of it:

An ENT specialist observes a child,details history of child,and he can give a suggestion for an x-ray to find out the problem of it.

Usually the treatment of it is operation:
Fathers and mothers become worried if it is told for  operation.It depends on how much does it becomes large.But it is matter of saying that this problem appears only in children age and the treatment is operation.So you can avoid future complication by operation.But it does not need always and then medicines can be used.But an ENT specialist will a decision which is good by measuring whole matters.

If operation is not done,some disorders may be seen in future-researchers have said that oxygen supply reduces to the brain in children due prolong nose closing.So,children,s brain do not groe properly and intelligence shows low in child. Besides this,children become inattentive in class,bad results in examination and hampers education life due to low hearing gradually.Eventually,middle ear infection can be complicated that lead to a hole in ear curtain and patients can affect with CSOM disease.But it is telling that closing nose,nose problem,water deposition in nose try to inhale by mouth may also happen for various reasons except adenoid problem.If above problems are shown for other reasons,treatment should be needed.

Causes of enlarging it:  
Recurring infection of upper esophagus influences on adenoid gland.As a result,it becomes large.Besides this,health scientists guess that it also becomes large due to allergy.

Symptoms may be shown when it becomes large:
Way of nose air becomes shorten due to adenoid problem.So child take inhale by mouth.Even,exhale or inhale sounds may be occurred during sleeping and nasal sounds.Which tube is connected with upper esophagus with ear is called eustachian tube.Adenoid is situated this side.So,eustachian,s tube path becomes problem due to adenoid problem.

So,phlegm can grow in middle ear and pain can grow in ear and sometimes hearing problem may be occurred.Children,s nose remain closed due to adenoid gland enlarging.So,children inhale by mouth.Children,s taking food may be delayed or difficulty because of it.Besides this,spittle can escape from mouth corner.If this prolong situation is continuing,children,s upper teeth becomes high,teeth root becomes short and snub-nosed is seen as well as a stupid looking seems to face.After all,these symptoms what change come in their face,is called "adenoid facies".Children looks stupid and foolish who are affected by this disease.

When fear is unnecessary

Fear is one kind of emotional approaching of threat and danger.Psy choscientists John B Watson and Paul Akman has said that it is one kind of instinct and basic emotion while joy,sorrow,angry are also an emotion.Specific afraid  is socially accepted of specific things or situation.Example:children become scared from sudden heavy sound,darkness of night,thunder,gun shooting,or bomb sound,groaning of cloud,or even ghost fear etc are normal matter of afraid.

But it crosses limited of normality and becomes severe or when it is unnecessary,it is counted as a disease.Generally this situation is called phobia or phobic disorder or unnecessary fear disease.There is some different between fear and phobia.Phobia affected person becomes excessive scared comparing of environment and situation.

Example-some becomes unnecessary excessive fear from lizards.They start shouting to see the lizards.Necessary daily works never hamper in case of normal afraid but daily life,personal life,education life hamper because of phobia.Affected people can understand that this fear is unnecessary or excessive but he/she can not avoid it.

Which matter or situation create it,or when he/she faces this situation,then physical and mental symptoms shows due to excessive worrying.Of what symptoms can be seen in phobia affected people when he/she faces the matter or situation which creates fear are given below:

1.Legs and hands trembling
2.Face becoming dry
3.Heat burn
4.difficulty to inhale
5.Chest pressure as well as chest pain
 6.Excessive sweating
9.Headache can be appeared
11.Body stretching
12.Abdominal disorder
14.Vomiting or nausea.

These symptoms can turn into severe condition for a while when patients face scared matter or situation.This time the person feel that he is becoming a mad  or about to die.It is mention that though these symptoms do not lead to severe damage or death but the person feel severe acrid experience when he face this situation and once this symptoms become disappear.

Specific phobia:
Unnecessary or excessive fear because of specific things ,matter,or situation is called specific phobia.This fear is divided into several division.

Animal matters:
Person get excessive or unnecessary fear from dogs,snakes,cockroach,spider etc.

Natural environmental matter:
In this matter,it grows various natural environment.Such as cyclones,heavy wind,sea etc

Blood,needle,or infection matter:
In this matter the person get fear from blood,infection,injection etc whether from medical treatment.

Situation matter:
In this person can get it from many situation such as riding in plane,using lift or closet area etc

In case of children,loud sound,or specific uniform person or character can create phobia.

Causes of excessive fear:
Excessive fear can be created by giving same wrong information regularly,or giving careful advice regularly.Psychologists have given many causes of excessive afraid.They say that persons are risky if his parents or his blood relatives had an experience of specific phobia.Besides this,from childhood children,s mental growth disorder,derangement of family and social environment,lack of co-operation and sympathetic situation,poverty,deceased of his/her adoring person in his childhood etc can increase this disease.The risk of this disease can increase because of his/her personality derangement.

Various types of psycho-social pressure,alcohol etc can create the risk of this disease.In various age various types of fear can commence this disease.Scared from animals,blood,cyclones can show from early childhood.Height afraid can be shown usually commencing adolescence beginning of juvenile age in specific situation can create phobia.Females are more risky than males.A new researching has brought to light that female this disease mostly than other mental disease.Condition of specific phobia in male is second situation among mental disease.

The main motto of treatment is  reducing of symptoms of the patients so that his daily lifestyle does not hamper severely.Behavior therapy is applied in case of specific matters.By this treatment,unexpected or unusual manners  can change by applying gradual habits and strategy.

"Systematic Desensitization" therapy which is one kind of behavior therapy is applied in treatment of specific phobia.In this case,must be remembered that session should be done with psychotherapist daily and also should be done daily practice at home  by psychotherapist,s advice.Besides,by "cognitive therapy"also should applied to change patient,s negative thinking  of any subjects as well as with other treatment.Sometimes some cases reducing of worrying of physical and mental symptoms,medicines also can be needed to use.  

Fatigue:may be many symptoms of disease

It is a very common problem to feel fatigue daily life.Man can feel it due to excessive labors,do not take adequate food or suffering insomnia.But this fatigue can remain for short time and to take adequate food properly,deep sleeping and moderate laboring,it does not exist long time.But anyone who feel it long time or long days or always,than it is a matter of serious.

Some details are given below for causes of fatigue:
1.Patients feel fatigue if he/she has heart valve problem,reducing activity of heart, and reducing
blood flow at heart.

2.Patient can feel it due to hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism and diabetes.In this case,patients symptoms of lot of urine escaping,feeling thirsty,breaking health,chest discomfort,feeling excessive hot or cold,lot of sweating,become obese,pain in body,fragile voice etc.

3.Hemoglobin may be reducing due to lack of iron,vitamin B12,folic acid.So patients feel very tired.Causes of anemia can be found by details of patient,s history and observing physical symptoms of the patients.

4.Excessive mental pressure,depression,always thinking about bad things of life etc can lead to tiredness or weakness.

5.Adequate sleeping can help to make cheerful and triumph.Disturbance of sleeping for any causes can lead to tiredness.

6.Ill-nourishment,unemployment,excessive smoking or alcohol,can lead to physical and mental sickness.

7.Some medicines such as sleeping pill,depression drugs,hypertensive drugs can lead to it for side effects.

8.Chronic fatigue syndrome is one kind of disease which creates sickness and hampers daily life activities.Generally it is seen in woman,young and juvenile people.

9.Infectious mononucleosis is a virus disease.Patients can suffer of fever,throat pain,rash in body and plea,lymphocytes,liver become large.Affected patients feel fatigue long time.

10.Patients should be consulted if they feel weakness long time.It should be remembered that if primary stage it is caught,it is good for patients.

Mental depression from junk and fast food

Junk food;such as burger,hot dog,pizza and other fast foods can create mental depression.This information has brought Journal of Public Health to light.Researching has also shown that those who ate junk and fast food,most of them are unmarried,disinterested in exercise,amoker and works 45 hours or less in a week.Nine thousand of people are elected for this researchung ,who had no any mental depression.Whenever,amongst of them,493 persons are now affected due to eating junk food.Dr Almudhena Sojes Vilegas is a researcher of Las Palgas University,who is a main researcher of this project, has said that who are eating little fast food,are also risk of mental depression than other people of who are not accustom to fast food.

Dr vilegas also mention that junk food or fast food creates heart disease,obesity or acromegaly which we know everyone and it is thinkable matter that this kind of fast food is creating another health hazards in health sector.

He also guess that we should be attentive controlling eating this.Especially reducing eagerness of fast food of children and adolescence,parents should keep an important role.

Heart disease from angry

Becoming angry is not an ordinary matter.Many men become angry causes or absence of causes.Those who become ferocious for very little cause,may be they have mental problem.If anyone knew that it is the causes of heart disease,probably they don,t become angry.Because it makes more loss than profits.Very recently John Hopkins School of Medicine has brought a new findings to light that who becomes angry suddenly,they have risk of 3 times heart disease and 5 times heart attack.

Many researchers have completed their researching that why it is cause of heart disease but there is not findings anything.Jery fitter,who is an assistant of psychology of Cleveland Clinical Psychological Testing Center,guess that blood cholesterol increases quickly in body if anyone becomes angry suddenly and one kind of keticholamine chemical escape from body,which obstruct flow of blood in body which is only cause of heart attack.

Besides this,it is also appeared that male are more risk of heart attack than females as causes of it.Jerry kiffer,has said that it is the best strategy  that to control yourself when you feel bad tempered.It should show extrapolation of bad tempered in many ways better than becoming angry.

Psychologists say that it is the best policy restraint it.If anyone can not check their angry,he/she must consult with psychologists.

Diabetes:low glycemic diet

Food listed is a great way to control Diabetes.Low glycemic diet is a great strategy.Glycemic index is a index of carbohydrate food.By this index,we can understand a specific carbohydrate,which increase sugar level in body after meal,also this food we can select in case of diabetes patients.

Some matters which we have to know:
1.Gradual high sugar of blood can damage kidneys,eyes,heart,and nerve.

2.Carbohydrate food which increase sugar in blood gradually,their are called low glycemic index food.If anyone is affected by Diabetes,they should intake low  glycemic and medium glycemic food.

3.A plan for food is counted carbohydrate.How much carbohydrate food you swallowed,should be counted.

4.Men tempt in  various way of various carbohydrate food of glycemic index.If you check your blood sugar before or after meal,you can identify by taking glycemic food.

5.If you take mix food,glycemic index can be changed.

6.You should eat not only nutritional foodbut also glycemic food,it is very important of food plan such as low glycemic food is found more in ice cream which has saturated food and you can take it seldom.Again high glycemic such as vitamin C,potassium,and fiber have in potato.

7.But high glycemic food should not avoid at one time.Eat low amount so that it effects low on blood sugar.If you take high glycemic food with low glycemic food,blood sugar does not increase quickly.

Some detaills about glycemiv index:
Glycemic index is that,what how much quickly increase blood sugar after taking carbohydrate food in body.Low glycemic food increase blood sugar slowly hence the index of blood sugar can not rise quickly.This diet plan is called "Low Gi diet"

Low glycemic food:
It breaks in body slowly and sugar spreads also slowly.

High glycemic food:
Breaks quickly and also increase blood sugar quickly.Carbohydrate food increase blood sugar quickly whilst other fatty food and protein does not do that.This food is valued 0-100.High glycemic food is that which increase blood sugar quickly;their rating is 70 or more.The food which increase blood sugar moderately,this is called medium glycemic food.;their rating is 56 to 69.The food which increase blood sugar slowly is called low glycemic food;their rating is 55 or below.Carbohydrate food which is eaten,is mostly low and medium glycemic food.More information will be found from American Diabetes Association.Please visit:

Low glycemic food listed in below:
1.Dry beans or beans crops
2.Carbohydrate free vegetables;broccoli,pepper
3.Some carbohydrate vegetables food;sweet potato
4.Crops but not flour
5.Red rice
6.Fruits;pineapple,black berry,dry fruit,cherry etc.

Moderate glycemic:
Fresh fruit apricot,pineapple,spaghetti etc

High glycemic:
Flour,mill rice,date,water melon,potato

Arthritis pain:prevention and suggestion

Everyone knows it is problem of old age people.It appears in above 50 age people.It is not true.Any age can occur it.In India about 150 million people are suffering by this disease.In Bangladesh,there is not less amount.Health scientists has said that it is not curable disease but controlling disease.Some feel pain climbing stairs at knee joints.Some feel pain finger joints during writing.Some feel pain from buttock to knee.They are probably 40 age.May be they do not care this disease.They think that its not a matter.

It will be cure automatically.They think that why does it occur this age?Such thinking is not impossible.But specialist physicians say that above three symptoms are not neglectable.Osteoarthritis degenerative disorder may be occurred at 40 to 45.Those who live long,they sit down at toilet in front bending at their old age,prayer by bending knee,during sitting they sits with attached one leg with another and again some get exercise long time,some are busy with games etc.After all,who are obese,their joints cartilage becomes dryness.

For this reason,many people suffer acrid pain at their old age.Once thought people suffered at arthritis at 65 to 70.But this thing is now proved that this not true.This progression is continuing in silently.It is showing that at the age of 30,pain starts by a little hurt.Recent researching has shown that now a days 30% people who are at the age of 30 to 35 are suffering arthritis pain.It is counted in India one number health problem.

Cartilage activity of joints:
Engineers say that every kinds of joints of human body is like a basement.Joints work as two ways;it has to be soften so that it can be bending or movement and second it will be stable.Fortunately God has created this cartilage so that it becomes oily.Though it has no artery or vein like bones.Thereafter,if once it is hurt by anything,pain or ache do not appear but cartilage tissue will be damaged like other tissues.

We do not care any pain until we are age of 40 to 50.When this pain reach at age of 60,then we be conscious.But already damaged has reached at the end of finishing touch.Like many tissue,cartilage is made by water.because it has no artery or vein.It,s nutrition is synovial fluid of joints.This fluid keeps cartilge always oily and supply nutrition.It has also more elements such as chondrocyle,collagen,proteoglyceous etc.

When you start for walking then you give 3 times pressure on waist and knee.And this pressure is lying on many joint of the body.Sometimes at the age of 40 to 55,chondrocytes will develop slowly.The cell which makes healthy cartilage,then it makes low protein and  sufficient enzymes also creates which makes fragile tissue.

As cartilage  is becoming loose,so gradually impact or pressure reach on bones and breaking also starts.Because cartilage do not set up stable at fixed place,tissue density increase.Then small cyst appears in bones.Gradually arthritis is creating.Joints may be endangered.Risk will increase.Antibody power of the body becomes conscious.Blood cells go to joints from synovial fluid and escape poisonous protein.Damaged tissues have swallowed   them.When body is attacked by bacteria or virus,this activity runs as well.When problem creates complex as osteoarthritis then white blood cells show react,toxic and enzymes deposits synovial fluid.As a result,cartilage becomes loose.

At last it may be broken.Cavity builds up below cartilage,then bones become fragile.When cartilage is becoming breaking,new bones is creating in body.Anyway,health scientists do not understand why  arthritis appears.But they have grab the reasons of arthritis.

Age is a major problem.The people who are over 45,they are risk of arthritis.

Who are more risky:
Females are more risky than males.Males can affect by this disease before 45,if they hurt severely in joints.But women must be attacked between 45 to 70.Both men and women are more risky after 70.

More age people are more risky,who are obese.Those who eat fatty food,excessive cholesterol food and addicted,they are more risky.

Derangement of joints:
Those who are carrying with born joints problem and walk abnormally or lumber joints problem they are more risky than others.

Genetics problem:
Many can bear bone cartilage problem,they are also more risky.

If anyone had an experience knee injured or lumber join injured during playing,he/she becomes risk in it.Those who became injured at their young age,the may be attacked by arthritis.

Weak muscles:
Those who have weak muscles,their weight lying down on joints especially on buttock joints and knee joints.Although OA can appear any joints but it can vary joints to joints.Most cases fingers joints,knee joints,lumber joints and buttock joints are affected by arthritis.Amongst these,lumber arthritis and knee arthritis are more common.Pain and ache appear more at these area and sometimes may be useless.Besides this,cervical region and thoracic region may be shown severe pain.Sometimes OA attacks foot palm and other joints.Usually some joints never be attacked by OA such as ankle joints,elbow and wrist joints.

OA is one kind of whimsy disease.Some feel pain experience before it attacks.Opposite matter may also be shown.Some feel little pain.Again some do not feel any pain.Again x-ray is done,OA has reached many distance.Physicians do not catch pain increasing because they do not grab pain origin.As there is no any artery or vein in cartilage,so pain creates from joints,muscles and adjacent area.

OA pains ahead slowly.It may be acrid or little.Most cases this pain increase by hard labor.Feel comfortable if take rest.If it is running,pain may be severe and be continuing.Even pain does not remove during sleeping.Especially spine and buttock pain radiate to knee area.

Spine pain is very dexterous because it makes pressure on nerve and after pain may be acrid and also it weaken self muscles and organs.This complication is shown by MRI and surgery may be needed.

Those who have OA,their muscles will be weak.Strengthening exercise,Quadreceps muscles exercise make this muscle strong.Physiotherapy and proper exercise alleviate this pain.It is a chronic disorder disease.It is curable but its deterioration can stop.There is a lot of way to decrease pain.

Our motto will be:
1.Joints movement should be increases
2.joints power should be increases
3.Controlling pain
4.Muscles power should be increased by physiotherapy
5.Life-style should be changed
6.Healthy food should be taken
7.BMI should be controlled
Some suggestions are given below to remove pain:
OTC pain killers like paracitamol can remove pain.Those who have liver problem,they should not eat these medicines or who are addicted by alcohol or hooch,this medicines are prohibited for them.

NSAID such as aspirin or ibupropen can remove pain but it creates pain in stomach and damage kidney.Long time using of this medicines,ulcer,hemorrhaging and other complication can be occurred.These medicines can be used by suggestion of doctors after age of 65.

Cox-2 inhibitor:
Celecoxib,meloxicam can damage very little but who have heart disease and renal problem,they should not take this medicines.

Hyaluronic acid:
If this kind of natural oil is given in knee by injection,about ane year does not stay pain.Cortisteroids shots can remove pain and a definite time you can free from pain.Two or three times it can be taken per year.

Hot therapy,hot water therapy or bathing in hot water,ultrasound therapy,short wave therapy,microwave therapy can alleviate your pain.Ointment or spray can remove pain.

Cold therapy:
Pain can be removed if ice bag put on painful area.

Endorphins is self painkiller of the body.If needle is penetrated in painful area,this endorphins escape from body.So pain removes.But when acupuncture therapy is given the patient,then the patient feel painless but when remove needle,pain again appears.

Glucosomine and chondrotin sulphate:
It also remove pain.But it is not permanent treatment.Other medicines such as placerin,bioactine,collagenpeptide,and seacone can remove pain.

Sour plum juice,deer horn and tiger penis etc medicines relieves OA pains.Especialists say that some people feel comfortable using this medicines.
Actually OA increase or decrease but never be cured fully.This patients feel comfortable taking rest but exercise relieves pain.Fatty free food should be taken with exercise.It decrease weight.So pressure decrease on joints.Pain will decrease.Exercise improves muscles power.Healthy muscles relieves pain.

Aerobic condition:
If pain does not increase in walking,then it is very good exercise.It keeps joints well.The more you

walk,the more you get power.But comfortable shoes should be wear.Bicycle is good exercise.Yoga is also beneficial.Swimming is also good exercise.

If pain is always persistent and don,t be cured,then normal life will be hamper.So operation is extreme needed.Pain can be removed by operation or painful organ can be changed.Orthopaedic surgeon can help this situation.

Affected cartilage can be treatment by surgery.But this surgery has no evidence of success.

Joint replacement:
If joints destroyed,that can be replacement of metal plate or course plastic or ceramic which is made by especial cement.This treatment can be done in hip joints and knee.Besides this,shoulder,elbow,ankle joint can be changed.

But this surgery is very expensive and should be rehabilitated.Besides this,infection,blood deposits and also have some risks.Many times,their surgery can be spoiled.This artificial limb can remain well 10 to 15 years.

Tissue repair:
When joints may be useless,then adjacent muscles,ligament,tendon can be needed to repair.After all,this can be done not cot any muscles.

Cartilage cell replacement:
This treatment can be needed for young people.Now cell can be set up in joints by injection.But this type of treatment is now under construction.

There is no guaranty for arthritis treatment.But some prevention way can applied:
1.Movement always.The patient should not keep stable,he should move here and there.So joints will be oily.Heavy weight should not be lifted.Do not up or down stairs by running.Be active what wants your body or what does not.If pain aggravates,then your joints are weighed down saddled.If this pain may last more than one hour,take suggestion with your doctor.
2.Balanced should be swallowed.Remember,lack of vitamin C and D,it increase.Alcohol or hooch is strictly forbidden.
3.Keep your weight control.At least 10% weight should be reduced.
4.Mke powerful muscles.

5.Change your side lying.When you are busy with writing or other hand works,take rest every after 10 to 15 minutes or engage another work.
After long time driving,take a rest and walk to and fro 10 to 15 minutes.Don,t watch TV long time.Every after half an hour take an interval.Your sit remove front and back while you are driving.Keep your sit hard. 


using Echocardiogram to diagnosis heart disease

It is a special examination,which pick up the picture of inside and outside of heart,which appears computer monitor clearly.It has no side effects.It was invented on the theme of ultrasound.There is no need any preparation for it.It is indeed an important examination to diagnosis of heart valve problem,born problem of heart,the activity of heart,tumor of heart,blood coagulated in heart,infection of heart,pericardium of it,cardiomyopathy or problem of heart muscles,large blood vessels which are connected to heart etc

Generally four types of it such as 2d M mood,color doppler,contrast and tissue doppler.Transthoracic,transssophasial,intravascular, and intracardiac echo are done.Transducer is connected to echo machines,from which create sound wave to enter body.Piezoelectric substance contain in transducer ,when electron flow it then creates ultrasound.Back to various sound wave from body enter into transducer and image is created by analysis.Image is shown to computer monitor by printer and this picture or image can be printed on paper or it also can be recorded in CD.

Use of it:
1.To understand it should be needed of heart problem such as if heart valve becomes narrow,if heart valve does not stop properly or in case artificial valve to check its proper activity.If valve does not stop properly,the turn over contrary which is called valve regurgitation.To diagnosis it  and its grading or severity,it should be done color doppler echo.If valve becomes narrow or how much narrow,intervention or operation to be diagnosis,echo is done.

2.Its has self blood vessels which supply blood and nutrition to heart muscles.If blood vessels have found problem,it is called ischemic heart disease.If any one is affected ischemic heart disease,he/she fells chest pain,stable or unstable angina,myocardial infarction or heart attack.To diagnosis ischemic heart disease ,it should be done.
3.Tumor may be shown in heart chamber or blood coagulated in chamber,so many complication may be shown.It is an important examination in this case.
4.To decrease power of heart pump for many reasons such as ischemic heart disease,cardiomyopathy etc.To diagnosis heart pump activity it is needed.
5.Who are carrying with born heart disease,they have shown heart valve problem.To diagnosis heart valve problem,it should be done.
6.Outside wall of heart is called pericardium.Many problem can show in it such as water density,blood density,or infection.If infection retain long time,it may be hard.To check pericardium problem,it should be done it.
7.Large blood vessels which is connected with heart;many problems may be shown such as aneurism or dissection.To diagnosis this problem it should be done.

If you want flawless echocardiogram report,it should be done by expert cardiologists and also need good cardiography machine.

So to diagnosis heart disease, it or sound wave is very important. 

using Echocardiogram to diagnosis heart disease

It is a special examination,which pick up the picture of inside and outside of heart,which appears computer monitor clearly.It has no side effects.It was invented on the theme of ultrasound.There is no need any preparation for it.It is indeed an important examination to diagnosis of heart valve problem,born problem of heart,the activity of heart,tumor of heart,blood coagulated in heart,infection of heart,pericardium of it,cardiomyopathy or problem of heart muscles,large blood vessels which are connected to heart etc

Generally four types of it such as 2d M mood,color doppler,contrast and tissue doppler.Transthoracic,transssophasial,intravascular, and intracardiac echo are done.Transducer is connected to echo machines,from which create sound wave to enter body.Piezoelectric substance contain in transducer ,when electron flow it then creates ultrasound.Back to various sound wave from body enter into transducer and image is created by analysis.Image is shown to computer monitor by printer and this picture or image can be printed on paper or it also can be recorded in CD.

Use of it:
1.To understand it should be needed of heart problem such as if heart valve becomes narrow,if heart valve does not stop properly or in case artificial valve to check its proper activity.If valve does not stop properly,the turn over contrary which is called valve regurgitation.To diagnosis it  and its grading or severity,it should be done color doppler echo.If valve becomes narrow or how much narrow,intervention or operation to be diagnosis,echo is done.

2.Its has self blood vessels which supply blood and nutrition to heart muscles.If blood vessels have found problem,it is called ischemic heart disease.If any one is affected ischemic heart disease,he/she fells chest pain,stable or unstable angina,myocardial infarction or heart attack.To diagnosis ischemic heart disease ,it should be done.
3.Tumor may be shown in heart chamber or blood coagulated in chamber,so many complication may be shown.It is an important examination in this case.
4.To decrease power of heart pump for many reasons such as ischemic heart disease,cardiomyopathy etc.To diagnosis heart pump activity it is needed.
5.Who are carrying with born heart disease,they have shown heart valve problem.To diagnosis heart valve problem,it should be done.
6.Outside wall of heart is called pericardium.Many problem can show in it such as water density,blood density,or infection.If infection retain long time,it may be hard.To check pericardium problem,it should be done it.
7.Large blood vessels which is connected with heart;many problems may be shown such as aneurism or dissection.To diagnosis this problem it should be done.

If you want flawless echocardiogram report,it should be done by expert cardiologists and also need good cardiography machine.

So to diagnosis heart disease, it or sound wave is very important. 

Water is not during taking food

From very beginning,we are hearing from doctors and health magazines that water is very essential for our body.Of course, it is not false.But all things do not bring always good such as in case of water is also true.Especially who works about food and nutrition,they say that absolutely lot of water should not drink while taking creates mal-digestion in body.

If you take water during food,it affects obstruction of gastric juice escaping and it becomes loose which obstruct in digestion.As a result,food do not digest properly,from which heart burn and acidity increase.Besides this,insulin escaping also increases due to taking water during food.For this reason,health scientists opinion is that little water is not any problem but one glass water or more is prohibited during taking food..

On the other hand,health scientists say that it is the best policy to take water as much as you can two hours later of taking food to remove your thirsty.

In health science nutrition of nut

Curtain free nut is more nutritional than fried.It has lot of protein which builds up body and makes muscles of body.Folic acid of it reduces fat or cholesterol which is harmful of heart vessels and increase good cholesterol as LDL cholesterol.It has contribution to retain youth.Sufficient Vitamin B has in it and it has also mineral salt magnesium.This element is very important for body which makes hard teeth and root of teeth and also makes skin and hair bright and smooth.

Iron is an important element which makes blood in body and it has great contribution to make iron properly.For this reason,pregnancy infant.growing child,old age people,it is very important.Those who have re-occurring diarrhea,it is an essential meal for them.Because it has abundant zinc which prevents any complication after diarrhea.

A renowned nutritionist of America has informed that very little carbohydrate in it.So why,it does not help to make weight in body lest it decrease weight of body.Antioxidant,mineral and vitamins have lot of it.Every after 10 weeks if anyone swallow it,his/her diabetes will decrease 0.4% that means will reduce blood sugar in blood.Proper eating it 35% heart risk will reduce than the people who do not eat it regularly.But remember if kidney is occurred due to diabetes,is strictly prohibited to eat it.

Throat nodule is not always cancer

One day Shipras mother discovered a spindle or a nodule in her throat.She also feel a rigid thing in her throat.At once she called Shipra to see it.Shipra also became worried to see it.At last Shipra took her mother an ENT specialist once evening.

Doctor suggested them to make an ultrasnogram of thyroid gland and some hormone tests of blood.Next day Shipras went to that doctor and he referred the patient to a hormone specialist.

Now a days many ask a question about thyroid problem.Actually what is thyroid?what is its work in body?Does thyroid problem mean goiter disease?Can thyroid nodule be a cancer?If spindle is seen in throat,it should be a operation?

Thyroid is an important gland:
Thyroid problem is not only problem in our country but also all over world.At present to avail many opportunities of laboratory tests and availability and consciousness of patients and doctors can be screening this disease easily.Women are more risk by this disease than male.It is the largest gland of our body.It is situated in front of our throat;divided into two parts;one is narrow part or connected by isthomas.Two hormone are creating from thyroid gland;one is thyroxine and another is triiodothyronine which are essential for completing physical activity.

Growing child,even prior to birth of of child it is very important.Actually it is very important for brain growth.For growing heart,brain,lung,skin,kidney,liver, muscles etc ,thyroid hormone is very essential.Any kinds of problem or complication will be happened due to thyroid hormone such as obstruction of child growing, to build up children and adolescence and becoming youth,fatigue of older age people,reduce power of activity,uncontroling of body temperature,becoming skin dry,problem of pulse rhythm,menstruation and pregnancy problem.

but every kinds of problem thyroid gland may not be large.In health science the health scientists call this situation thyroid nodule which sometimes can be cancer but spindle or any kind of rigid thing in thyroid gland is not always cancer.

why is to be spindle or rigid thing in thyroid gland:
It is not unavailable in the world.It is said that 4% people of America are affected by thyroid nodule.There is no actual statistics in our country.Again guess that general people ,especially it is done an ultrasound of thyroid gland of throat can be found thyroid spindle or nodule of about 50% people ,again who are females,although most of them do not see from outside.

But 95% spindle or nodule are innocent or not malignant.But the remain 5% nodule are marked as cancer.It may be a cyst ,which is a part of goitre disease,a normal goitre due to lack of iodine,infection in thyroid gland,an innocent tumor,which are not harmful.Again this nodule may be a cancer and sometimes may be only symptoms,which may be cancer or various types.

But we have to understand that this spindle may be cancer or non-malignant.But doing some tests or details history of the patients or looking size and shape we understand that this will be malicious or not.

Which nodule is more risk of cancer:
There are more symptoms are found in females like it or as well as other thyroid problems.But in males and very less age very old age such as before 14 years and after 70 years if there is nodule in it of throat may be thinkable or serious.

Recent pregnancy history and in family mother and sisters are experience hypothyroid and goitre,there is nothing for thinking.

Innocent nodule,usually stable for long time or no change of it or growing very slowly,is not serious but growing fast or changing quickly may be serious.Radiation in neck,head,throat is bad in childhood story.Many times radiation should be given in child in case of Lymphoma and other diseases.

It prevailed over after Chernobil accident in Russia and it was said that this cancer was proved due to this accident  and also it is seen in adjacent Belarus and other places after accident of four years.

Any way,below 1 cm in size and soft nodule is innocent.On the other hand,moderate soft or hard nodule ,attached to throat,above 2 cm long in size,other lymphocytes will be course,suddenly fragile voice and esophagus attacked are bad symptoms .After knowing patient personal history details,surroundings and environmental matters and to feel nodule by hand and neck,a ultrasnograpyhy should be done immediately and what is the situation of thyroid hormone by doing blood tests.It is very helpful of an ultrasnography report to diagnosis of cancer.Today,s high resolution of ultrasnography can be marked very little changing such as hypocogenicity,microcalcification or calcium coagulated in nodule,abnormal blood vessels in nodule or chaotic behavior,adjacent lymph gland,nerve,and other tissue are abnormal etc may be a serious doubt of the physicians.

Then a needle biopsy or FNAC should be needed.A needle should be entered in nodule to collect tissue which is put below microscope.Always it would not be diagnosis by needle biopsy.But at present,the histopathologists give 5 types report in case of thyroid nodule.When they will say that it is benign,this situation is not thinking as well as do not need any treatment.Or they will say that it is found cancer cells then specialist will take an operation.If they that report is unsolicited or unclear or don,t understand,again examination should be done.If it is cancer,thyroid hormone may not change.Hormone report may be normal Usually hyperthyroidism is never shown in case of malicious cancer.

Treatment of thyroid gland:
It,s success depends on it,s spread over,size and shape and staging such as if papillary cancer is limited only gland ,that means it is diagnosis due time ,it,s success is very satisfactory.It is very difficult to be optimistic to cure annaplstic or meditary cancer.In case of thyroid cancer,at first it should be cut by operation or surgery.As a result,the patient should be eaten thyroxine hormone for whole life.But now a days,the doctor do not cut whole part of it,they remain a part during operation so that this part can fill up thyroxine hormone.But operation is not a complete treatment at all.This type of patient should be observed every after 6 months or 1 year so that cancer may be seen again cancer remain any where  or any part of the body,is easily find out.This follow up is sometimes difficult and can be completed various steps and one more doctors should be listed at this disease.

All nodules are not cancer but careful:
It is very available in many people all over the world but it is very good news that most of them are innocent.Most of the cases it can be occurred without any reasons,whose treatment is very easy and curable.All nodules or spindles are not malicious,some nodules probably 5% nodules are malignant.So if it is seen in thyroid gland,should be consulted your doctor immediately.If it is find out,treatment will be available and easy even it is malignant type.

Remember,in Bangladesh it is an endemic zone and thousands of people of Bangladesh are affected by this gland problem,especially women are more risky.

Olive oil decreases the risk of heart attack

The risk of heart attack surprisingly alleviates if you drink two spoons olive oil daily.28% risk of heart attack decreases if you take one spoon it daily.By a new researching,this statistics has shown in UK.British Researchers have said that it has an important element which name is poliphenols,which decreases fat/cholesterol of human body.So,it alleviates obstruction of blood flow.Besides this,it also have more elements which keeps great effect to control health.

It makes to flow blood in body by decreasing fat.So,death risk also reduces as well as heart attack.Researchers inform that huge amount of it is found in fish,vegetables,and fruits.It is beneficial for heart ,which know everyone for long time before.It would be certain that a new researching,it is beneficial for our health as well as one spoon olive oil 28% heart risk which is absolutely good news in health science.

Dr.Charlage Nite,who is a researcher of British Cardiovascular Society has said that new researching about it is very important of human health.It has been certain that by drinking it you can reduce risk of heart attack which is a good news who are very conscious of their health especially heart.

Aspirin increases risk of hemorrhaging:
Physicians again make careful eating aspirin or pain killer.Previous study had also shown that aspirin can make demage liver function.British physicians have said that after long time study,if you take                                      aspirin,you can face risk of stomach and brain. Though aspirin reduces 10% heart attack and prevents colon cancer but it can make hemorrhaging.For this reasons,prior to operation or tendency to hemorrhaging,should be careful about it intake.

Chest pain due to mental disease

The age of Rubel is 25.He looks after his fathers business.But sometimes he feels discomfort at his chest area.Then he also feel inhale difficulty.At this time some symptoms also have shown such as legs and hands become cold.He thinks that he will die at once.The disease did not find out by ECG and echocardiogram.

There is not found any benefit to change doctor.His relatives said to him that he never be cured.They also said to him that he should not do heavy works and he is affected by a complex disease.

According to health science it is a tension disease.We say that this disease is called panic disorder.Females suffer more by this disease than male.This disease may be shown all ages specially at 15 to 25 and 45 to 55.Family crisis increases this disease.Wider,widow,separated husband and wife are more risk by this disease-this situation the disease has shown more.Mother lost in childhood age and had a serious mental shocked create this disease.They affect by panic disorder.If any child had an experience sexual rape before the age of five is more risk by this disease.

How do you understand that you are suffering panic disorder:
1.Sudden feel chest discomport,inhale is difficult,headache
2.Big inhale or exhale as asthma patients
3.Legs and hands are feeling paralyzed,trembling is also seen.
4.Pressure is also seen in chest and chest pain
6.Feel discomfort at stomach and throat is becoming dryness
7.Acidity is increases at stomach and feel pressure at chest.
8.Headache may be shown due to tension
9.Some patients go to hospitals to think that he becomes heart attack

10.Death phobia has been shown.The patient thinks that he is goiing to die due to disease pain.
11Do not keep control himself
12.Accompanying with someone when he goes out long distance lest he need help if he become sick.
13.Patients are scared of that again another heart attack will be happened.
14.The symptoms may last 10 to 20 minutes.
15.Safety behavior-when he feels discomfort at heart,he sit down,try to support by clasping by hands which do not see at heart disease patients.
16.If someone suffers depression for long time
17.Social phobia
18.Give after alcohol

Other causes:
1.Genetics reasons such as relatives suffer by panic disease.
2.If various chemicals substance escape serotonin gaba and noradrenaline.
3.The people who have problem at heart valve,are more risk by this disease.

1.If these patients do not treat timely they will be lost their wealth by walking door to door to the doctors and at last the patient will give up their necessary works
2.Depression will be occurred.
 3.May be addicted
4.Another problem will be created such as agoraphobia,then the patient fear to go out markets,restaurants or canteens etc.
5.Insomnia also occur
6.Suicide tendency also be shown
7.After all,this people may be burden of family,society,and nation.

Medication should be swallowed regularly.To give the patients confidence.Psychiatrist should be consulted.This patient fully cure if they consult psychiatrist regularly.


What is Mania:
Those who are affected in Mania,they talk too much than before and then they become tired to speak and speak.But even then,they do not give up talking.In language of health science this situation is called Mania.Tendency to over talkativeness at a specific subject and tendency to change the matter quickly or turn into another subject from one.

Sometimes they call street people and began to talk incessantly.During talking,they give various suggestion on various topics.If the patient is affected by this disease,they seem dandy mood as if he is so busy in works,this is called over activity.They collect many types of unnecessary things.In this way,they spend lot of money to buy many types of things.Again they began to interfere suddenly with another matter.They look to tendency to abandon real life or reality or intelligence.

Below symptoms may be shown in them:
2.Attacking minded
3.Need not to sleep
6.Reduce appetite or increase appetite
7.Hamper to listening
10.To give suggestion
11.Excessive eagerness in sexual activity
12.To give attraction in gigantic project
13.Tevdency to say lie

14.Tendency to invest in business large amount not to think anything
15.Cheerful and triumph
16.To go party regularly and extravagancy
17.To show body energy
18.To think himself that very beautiful and beau
19.To think himself scholar
20.Ferocious minded etc.

The health scientists in health science have shown the cause of this disease is related to environmental and genetics matter.Researching in health science is seen that the medicines which is used this disease acts in body by neuro chemical and hormonal action.

Medicines should be given to patients by not forcing.If maniac patients do not agree to take medicine in orally,they should given injection in muscles.Psychiatrist should be consulted as soon as possible.Psychiatrists gives medicine and prescription as well as suggestion and advice.When Mania is reached in complex situation ,then it is called manic phage or manic episode.In this time,the patients should be admitted in a specified hospital or clinic.But whatever you have taken should be advised by doctor.In this matter,your doctor will inform you right decision.But in this case,the patients and relatives should not be bewilder.  

Easy way to control Diabetes

Train can not run without oil.Our body is also a machine like a train.This machines oil is glucose substance.If we want to utilize this glucose as a right work,insulin should be needed.Insulin supplies the glucose in our body tissue.This insulin is made from pancreas.When pancreas do not make sufficient insulin  or body can not use or unable to use this created insulin,then glucose is increasing in blood.So,body acts irreverent activities.This situation is called Diabetes.

It is not a new disease,its history is very ancient.Egyptians discovered this disease in 1500 A.D.In the same time,Indians also discovered this disease.International Diabetes Federation has shown a statistics that in 2030,552 million people will have been attacked by this disease  hence 1 people will be attacked by this disease out of 10.If it would have true,in two decades, 200 million people will be added type-2 Diabetes as a new health problem.According to WHO,now 346 people are suffering this disease .

According to UN,Diabetes is a long term and expensive disease which  creates serious complication in health science.Because patients what have they taken or swallowed,glucose is making from them.So,this glucose is not used fully in body.As a result,their blood is becoming more thick than normal.

Valid physical intercourse is beneficial for both man and woman

There is shyness in everyone about sex.It is not sin or guilty it is in valid way.There are forty beneficial of sex in below.In health science medical scientists have said that do not keep your passion or sex in your mind because it is a funny excitement thing there is how much thing is opened,sex is one of them.

1.In mild fatigue or disappointed,sex act instant as medicine.Sex escape your endorphin hormone from your body.This is mixing with flow of blood which makes you cheerful and triumph at once even before sex which work you wanted to do ,feel boring but after sex you do not feel tired.Thereof,it increase your  energy and create physical and mental activity.

2.It increases your beauty.There is a surprising matter seen in scientific researching when the the girls make physical intercourse then estrogen hormone escapes twice than other time.As a result,the color of hair becomes bright and skin becomes soft and smooth.You can examine it yourself before or after it.

If your wife is not beautiful,you will see that after sex your wife looks beautiful and nice for a while .

3.After an excellent organism,love and attraction will grow between each other.To say "I love you" to your wife is the best policy of sex.After sex ,both of your mental health surprisingly increases.You have a quarrelling with your wife,you will see that it will be finished after it.

An example is giving.One psychiatrist has said that one man had addict.His wife did not like it.One day his wife forced him not to drink hooch but after some time they became with physical intercourse.After physical relation,his wife said that ok you can take a slight alcohol but not more.Then her husband said that ok as you had forbidden me,today I do not take any alcohol.

4It increases the power of your tennis or badminton.Last night you made a good intercourse and you

felt asleep.So why the power of your play has been increased.Even you will improve your business and also make a good performance at your office.It makes your mind cheerful.Surprised?No,there is nothing to be surprised.

5.It will improve your self confidence and self success.So,it prevents your mental problem.Sex is a flawless medicine for them who are suffering depression.

6.If you continue your sex in valid way and with hygiene,you will never be pervert.You will be able to keep away any kinds of evil works.So do not keep away from your wife so many days in case of changing jobs.It is the safest tranquilizer in the world.It is 10 times active and strong than valium pill.

7.It is the safest games when you are acting it that which your every muscles of your body become movement and get stronger.So you need not a special sleeper.

8.It escapes estrogen hormone which stops osteoporosis which is a special bone disease.Especially it acts on females than males.

9.The more you it the more you get invitation.It throws away out of body a specific  pheromones which is a chemical substance.Its balmy be becomes your partner sexy.

10.During romantic dinner you had taken a lot of chelory,it will trash them.You can burn 200 to 300 chelory per intercourse.You can not burn this chelory by riding cycle 1.50 hours.

11.When you feel headache you eat two aspirin at a time. But it can cure headache in lieu of aspirin.During tension the blood vessels of brain becomes coagulated.Sex will remove this coagulation.

12.Bone joints  will be softness ding it.So you can easily move the joints and you will be an expert romantic guy.

13.Embracing with adoring makes self confidence.You will love yourself when you know that someone love you deeply and heartily.

14.If you quarrel with your wife or your husband you will engage sex.Next you will see that both of you have forgotten this.If you remember this you will be surprised for the cause of quarreling.

15.It will make you more conscious about your surroundings and you can avoid accident in your way.

16.To doing your daily works it is the best policy and morning sexual  emotion you will keep fresh whole body.

17.Regular sex you will know your body more more and you will get comfort of your body.It removes meaningless shyness fatigue,and guilty feelings.This meaningless feelings create sexual problem and they discuss with doctor for this.

18.In deep winter night sexual embracing body temperature will increase.It is a good way to keep warm,isnt it?

19In nervous system it is a best thing.For doing sex,tension and worry floats in tiding of romantic love.

20.Regular sex improves your mental health.Our strong emotion with smiling publish by this way.Our smiling uses adrenaline hormone.So you will be cheerful and tranquility.

21.Everyday kissing you do not fell toothache.It cleans food grains between teeth and it decrease the decoy of teeth acidity.

22.If you have low remember power,it will improve your remember power.There is a researching in older age patients have shown that regulat sexual embracing alleviates the symptoms of semility disease.

23.It will be serious if you have lack of love.The children and small boy and girls are deprived of touch ,often they are affected by marasmus disease.The adult people also need touch ,adoration,love making,kissing,and embracing.

24.Regular sex your body gets rest and works as exercise.So it reduces your heart attack,blood pressure,and stroke.In researching,those who are not engaging in it they are often 10 times more risk of heart attack.Even ones has an experience of heart attack,doctor suggest them to sex with mildly.It will be beneficial for them.

25.Physical intercourse eradicates the pain.It also eradicate arthritis pain.

26.Throw away the cream what you are to used to for alleviation mouth and skin folding.Regular sex will flow the blood of the body.As a result,tissue will get many oxygen and nutrition.

27.It reduces the risk of varicose vein.

28.If your legs remain always cold,it will flow here sufficient blood and it will escape of legs cold.

29.Why immune system increases the body,it is still unknown.But it is true that it keeps away flue and cold.

30.If you stay at hospital even after curing from the disease,the days remain short by kissing and embracing.

31.It builds up the relation with your partner.It gains to speak true when you are passing difficult time of your life.

32.It increase liquid lymph of body.This liquid lymph thrust away poison substance from the body. 

33.The more you intimacy with it the more you be concupiscent.

34.You will be free from disgusting, if you do sex one time per week.The diseases which occurs due to pressure,you will not face.

35.If you massage your body smoothly,antibody will increase your body.

36.If you have insomnia,there is no an ideal medicine for it except it.British Journal of Sexual Medicine has recently said that physical intercourse makes the body rest  and makes to have sleeping.You  fell not only  sleeping quickly but also for long time.

37.Switch off your light in lieu of TV switch.Draw your quilt on your body;dont you understand?It removes whole day monotonous.

38.Women full organism means total life satisfaction of their life.

But remember,above thing will happen in valid way and after full satisfaction.Just its opposite activities will create opposite happens.All is well that ends well*Translated from Riderse Digest

Cancer:Introduction and Treatment

In health science cancer is not infectious disease.It do not produce by any germs or bacteria.There are lot of causes for producing it but do not know real cause.
ng them:smoking creates lung cancer.Alcohol creates liver cancer.Any kind of alcohol/hooch destroy liver cells and as a result,liver cirrhosis and liver cancer can be occurred.Many types of chemical substances such as mithile colunthrin create intestine cancer.Such a food which has a lot of fat:also makes it.
There are lot of causes which makes it;water pollution,air pollution,atomic explosion,radiation create blood and skin cancer.Always grabbing,over production and perverted sexual behavior create cervix cancer.
Nationality,life style,environmental effect,parasite,and virus can create it.

Japanese are affected by it more than 7 times than Americans.Americans suffer lung cancer more twice than Japanese And Belgians suffer in lung cancer more than Americans.New Zealands suffer skin cancer about six times than Icelander.Ultraviolet ray claims for creating it.Generally guessing that the people who are more white,they are more risk in skin cancer.Melanin which protects skin from sun light.For this why,white people are more risk of it than black people.Because the skin of black people there is lot of lot of melanin.

It should be listed with profession such as asbestos cancer affects in factory  workers.Rules of ILO,this factory workers will be paid by factory owners.Simultaneously,those who works at pvc pipe industry works in vinal cloid polimarization chamber are more risk of liver angiosarcoma  cancer.Farmers who works in sun light they are more risk of skin cancer especially in face.The woman who works at house are low risk of skin cancer but the woman who works in sun light;but do not protect of ear and face are more risk above cancer.

About all ages of people are risk of it but children are more risk five cancers;these are:
2.Wilms tumor
4.Acute leukemia
First adrenal gland and in nasal cavity,second kidney,3rd in eye,four in blood,five in muscles cancer.
After 55 years of old people epithelium tissue cancer.In America,10% people died of it.

Is it genetic:
Many ask my father and mother died of it;have I also victim of it?Still today lot of proofs have been found that it is generally genetics.But many cancer can create automatically.At last to create it is related to environment and genetics.

Signs and symptoms:
1.Fragile voice,blood in coughing,chest pain,reduces weight,physical weakness,anemia
2.Infection which do not cure easily
3.abnormal hemorrhaging especially after physical intercourse,in case of female.
4.Tumor or pind or spindle at breast or any parts of body.Top in breast or surroundings of breast tumor is shown.
5.Difficulty in eating.Digestive problem is main cause of stomach cancer.
6.Change toilet habit.Regularly loose stool,some days hard stool or constipation.Blood secreting during toilet especially who have no piles.

Commencing it suggestion: 
Not only in our country but also all over the world there is a slogan of it,"it caught at primary stage,it can be cured fully"

1.Any kinds of signs and symptoms may last at least two weeks should be consulted with your doctor.
2.If possible,every year should be done health test.
3.Examine your breast by self every month.
4.Bad smell of blood or blood secreting after physical intercourse,in this situation cervix cancer can occur.In this case pap test or biopsy should be tested.
5.If you guess that you are affected by intestine cancer when you fell your toilet habit is changed;should be an endoscopy by your doctor.

3 types of treatment of it:
1.Surgical treatment
2.Radiation therapy or radiotherapy

Surgical treatment:
It can be cured at primary stage by operation.In most cases operation is only treatment which are is affected.Example;cervix cancer in woman.

Many patients should be given  radiotherapy besides after operation or only radiotherapy is given.In this case ,without operation,only radiotherapy should be given which destroy cancer cells in body.

In some cases,chemotherapy is given both operation and radiation or before or after treatment by medicine.At last,disease label and condition of patients surgical treatment,radiotherapy or chemotherapy is given.

Every disease has medicine.So it is not different.There is no doubt that everyone should be tasted of death,no one is immortal.We are optimistic that one third of cancer is curable.Most cancer is curable if it is caught at primary stage and most incurable cancer should be treated to reduce pain.

Sudden liver failure

In language of health science sudden liver failure is called "Fulminant Hepatic Failure".It is a serious situation of  a disease.It will be useless due to quick activity of liver.

According to definition of health science if brain will get damaged or the patient becomes unconscious within two months,then it is called "Fulminant Hepatic Failure".

The main cause of this disease is virus.In our country the most cases of sudden liver failure is due to virus.40% people are affected to hepatitis E virus and 25% to 30% people are affected due hepatitis B virus.It should not to say that if HBsAg is negative,only is not claimed hepatitis B virus.Sometimes it would be happened due to hepatitis C and hepatitis A virus.Besides this,it may be occurred due to digestive problem of medicines.

Alcohol/hooch is a dangerous cause.But in case of 20% to 30% have not found any causes.

Signs and symptoms:
The disease would be happened a sudden time of a fit person.After little sickness or nausea the patient becomes unconscious.The relatives of the patients  do not take it easy.In this case brain damage is an important symptoms of a patient.Besides this,the disease can be commenced with severe headache.The patient will fell dizziness,restless,even ferocious.Then eventually the patient becomes unconscious.If it is serious with unconscious,cerebral edema may be occurred.If cerebral edema is happened,then blood pressure increases and legs and hands will be rigid.

Hemorrhaging will be seen various pars of  the patient body.Amount of glucose,potassium and calcium may be reduced.In 99% cases infection may be seen.Even kidney failure also occurs.Besides this,heart,lung and pancreas will be damaged

Examinations and Tests:
Lots of examinations and tests should be done in this disease.Even blood tests should be done every after hours.Blood haemoglobin,TC,DC,platelet count,prothrombin time,grouping,glucose,bilirubin,transamilage,electrolite,urea,creatinine,albumin,amilage etcshould be need examination.Also virus test should be made.Chest x-ray,ecg,CT scan may be needed.

The treatment of this disease is very complicated and vulnerable.For this why,the patien should be observed by  a liver specialist  at a specified hospital.The condition of the patient may change quickly.For this why,the patient should be observed deeply and carefully.Food should be swallowed by a tube except protein free food.Catheter must be used.Ranitidin or omeprazol should be eaten.Antibiotic should be applied.Glucose should be given by testing glucose of blood.Oxygen is also applied.Besides this,vitamin K injection lactulose sytrup,mannitol injection should be given.If it is needed phenytoin should be given.Liver transplantation is popular treatnent in this case.But is very expensive.

It is a serious disease when occurs sudden liver failure.After all efforts 20% patients remain live in rich countries.Death rates would be higher if prothrombin time is also higher.

Drug addiction

The things are penetrated in body make change of physical activity is called drug.When it is used for curing diseases,is not a drug but when it is not used for purpose of disease,is not a drug.When a person use a drug for long time or after a few days,this situation is called drug dependance.

Drug dependance is two  types:
a.Physical dependance
b.psychological dependance

Physical dependance:
When a person is used to a drug regularly,then it creates physical dependance when a person stops this drug,if then a painful physical symptoms or signs are shown,it is called withdrawal symptoms.

When an addicted person stops heroin,then shows in his:
3.Lot of sweating
4.Gland pain
5.Muscles pain
6.Water from nose
7.water from eye
10.Stomach pain
11.The far of body becomes erecting
12.Digestive problem etc

This symptoms will be shown after stopping heroin.Generally above signs and symptoms will be happened after 6 or 7 hours later.Sometimes this signs and symptoms will occur low dose and sometimes patients become unconscious like epilepsy patients.In this time may be shown:

3.Phobia etc.
In this time patient should be treated immediately,otherwise the life of patient will be damaged.

Psychological dependance:
It is very difficult to say signs and symptoms of a man.But we can say that the patient can not give up
this habit or can not control it.In this case,physical dependance may be retained or not or two situation may be shown.

Emotional symptoms:
1.Personality changing
2.Mind will be changing suddenly
8.Excessive emotion

Family symptoms:
1.Changing charecter
2.Bad behavior with family members
4.Force for money
5.Disobey to parents
6.Do not show any curisity of any matters
7.Extravagant behaviour
8.Suddenly becomes angry
9.Do not participate family festivals or family works
10.Disrespect to show the rules of law

Social symptoms:
1.Make friends who are also addicted
2.Do not cut hair
3.Change life style
4.Change passion

Study symptoms:
1.Bad behaviour with teachers
2.Disrespect to teachers
3.Missing school or colleges
4.Bad behavior with classmates
5.Do not listen teacher lecture
6.Irregular in study
7.Flee away school or colleges

Addicted people are treated in three ways:

1.In first step,addiction influence from body should eradicated.It takes time 7 days to 1 month.
2.In second steps,rehabilitation.It takes for long time.
3.In 3rd steps,psychotherapy should be given.

Hepatitis B virus

Dr. Blumburg and his assistants  invented surface antigen HBsAg of hepatitis B virus in aboriginals blood of Australia in 1965.It is mention that that electron microscope  was invented that year.He was rewarded by novel in 1976.Hepatitis B virus infection is great public health problem in the world.Two billion people among six billion people of world was affected by B virus at any stages of their age.Among them 400 million people are affected for long term liver infection.Long time affected by B virus leads to chronic hepatitis liver cirrhosis and liver cancer.It is near about 15% to 40%.In whole world there are 500 thousand people died of this disease.

Genetics information:
In family history hepatitis B virus is a hepadna virus.It is a pertiary double sranded DNA virus.Its length is 3200 basepair.Its body is made by a positive and a negative strand.It grows up on liver cell when it attacks into human body.Human body becomes to prevent this virus by his immune system.On the other hand to live it self,it spreads virus types of antigen in blood and other things such as blood,semen,water of eye.Virus particle is also be found saliva,sweat of body and breast milk when this virus attacks in human body.

It try to create anti HBsAg by its HBsAg.Between one or two weeks HBsAg is found in affected patients and in case of acute infection between one to six weeks at last six months it is also available in human body.It may retain years to years the people who affects by this disease.When HBcAg is found in human body it is the symptoms of  B virus.HBcAg is found in nucleus of liver cells.It does not float in blood.On the other hand,anti HBc floats in blood.If lot of IgM anti HBc is found in blood,we guess that acute infection may be occurred .Besides this,if IgG anti HBc is found in blood,we guess that the patient has affected by this disease.In most cases,HBeAg is found in blood but in case of mutant virus,HBeAg is not found in blood.If anti HBe is found by blood test,we guess that virus infection has been decreasing.If HBV DNA is found in blood,we can definitely say that virus is increasing in liver.Hepatitis B virus is not directly cytotoxic virus.It can alleviate from body if immune system

becomes win.Anybody can say that he/she is free from virus if HBsAg is not found in blood.When one member in family affected by this virus,others can be affected.It is called vertical infection.It is available in the world.So world has divided into 3 zones.

The country whos people are affected 8% to 20% HBsAg positive,these countries called high epidemic area such as south-east Asia,china,pan pacific islands,sahara and Africa.The country whos people are effected 2% to 6% HBsAg positive,those countries called intermediate zone such as Middle east,east Europe,Latin and South America.Below 2% is called low epidemic area such as America,West Europe,and New Zealand..

It spreads by blood transfusion,used syringe,child from mother and physical intercourse.It never spreads by water.Symptoms will be seen after 5 weeks to 180 days.It is a preventable disease.Vaccine is available.All ages of people can take it.It should be need to test before taking vaccine.Generally 3 vaccines should be taken.2nd vaccine should be taken after 1 month taken of first one.3rd should be taken after taken six months taken of second.Besides,immunoglobulin should be applied in hepatitis B.

The people who have kidney disease specially taken hemodialysis should be tested it per year.Double dose vaccine should be taken in hemodialysis.Vaccine may be not effected in case of old patient,old women,smokers,cirrhosis,kidney failure and immunocompromised.Many can question that how much time vaccine remain power?In childhood who had taken vaccine,among of them 50% HBsAg protection antibody  last 20 years.But after 3/4 years booster dose should be taken by testing HBsAg.It is need to mention that hepatitis B vaccine has no any side effects.Sometimes patients feel fever,pain in the body,headache,bone joints pain.

Nutrition of banana

In banana,there is no fat,cholesterol or sodium.Banana is very nutritious food.Chocolate or ice cream  can made by it.Many recipe can be made by it.So who are going chain shop they should buy banana.

A lot of chelory in banana:
There is low water in banana than others fruits.So carbohydrate is found more than other fruits;for this why chelory is found more.But it should be remember that banana should not be given up he/she is also conscious.If you are conscious about chelory you can eat small size banana instead of large banana.In small size banana there is 50-60 chelory which is low amount than an small apple.

It build up immune system of body:
Again banana has vitamin B6 which controls glucose and it builds up nerve cells and immune cells.It also has vitamin c which prevents scurvy disease.

It controls blood pressure and cholesterol:
In banana there is a lot of potassium which controls blood pressure.There is a lot of fibre  in it  which controls cholesterol.

Natural aspirin is apple

Headache,eat an apple instantly.It works as aspirin.There is a cause to tell it easily.Recently researchers have said that there is a chemical compound in apple which acts as a aspirin.This elements name is salicylic acid.It is a anti-inflammatory compound which not only acts as pain killer but also to prevent atherosclerosis and intestine cancer.Without apple,like berry fruits and vegetables are also found salicylic acid.

Oil prevents ulcer:
Olive oil,sunflower oil,fish oil prevents stomach ulcer.Recently,the researchers of American College of Gastroenterology has found this information.Their opinion is that some elements have this oil which acts to prevent helicobacter pylori.But coconut oil,palm oil or this kind of other oil has no this type of elements.

                                                 Mango makes body thin:
Mango is very essential for controlling weight of body.Australian scientists has proved that its                     keeps great contribution of skin.In researching has shown that its                 stops to grow fat cells of human body.Scientists has found that it has an important element which name is fetochemical.It destroys fat cells of human body.This fetochemical is found outside of body.The professor,Mike Gidla,of Queensland University has said that many knows the nutrition of mangoes.But now an important element has found in mango.This researching shows us that we should take best thing from nature.This researching has done for prevention of obesity.This is second success for Australian scientists

Second hand smoke

There is no no lack of harmful of smoking.The person who smokes regularly,he does harm himself as he does to others.How a smoker harms to others?Very easy speak,the non-smoker persons are victim of second hand smoke.
The problems of second hand smoke are given below:
1.The people who does not smoke but from  his surroundings people,smoke continues regularly.They are risk of more than others.
2.Those who are victim of second hand smoke,they may affect lung cancer.
3.It does harm to others
4.Sometimes it is liable of stroke
5.It is a great cause for asthma disease
6.sometimes cough deposits in lung
7.Also pneumonia
8.we can claim for second hand smoke for bronchitis and asthma
9.In researching,he or she who is dwelling with professional smokers,they are risk of heart disease and lung cancer 30 times than others
10.In case of children this harm is more serious
11.In growing body its influence is more bad effect
12.Their heart do not grow normally
13.Children lung may be damaged due to it
14.It is twice to to attack bronchitis and pneumonia case of children
15.Surprising but true that sometimes children are risk of hearing problem
16.Immune system gradually decreases of children

A smoker does harm not only to him but also his family members,for his family members ,or an unknown person who is sitting besides him,he should give up smoke.Simultaneously non-smokers would be conscious about second hand smoke.

Nutrition of nut

In nut has a lot of protein which helps to grow body and muscles.In has folic acid which reduces bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol.It has great contribution to retain youth for long time.It has a lot of vitamin B.There is low vitamin when it contains in packet or open in market.So raw nut is good to eating.It has magnesium which makes teeth hard and teeth root.Skin and hair make smooth and bright.

Iron is main element to increase blood in the body.It has great contribution to build iron properly.So nut is a good food to growing child and adult.It is good dietary food,those who are suffering from diarrhea because it has a lot of zinc which helps to remove after complication diarrhea.The people who are suffering from diabetes but have a problem in kidney,is prohibited nuts because it has high quality of protein.If you have controlling diabetes and blood pressure,you can eat nut.