Natural aspirin is apple

Headache,eat an apple instantly.It works as aspirin.There is a cause to tell it easily.Recently researchers have said that there is a chemical compound in apple which acts as a aspirin.This elements name is salicylic acid.It is a anti-inflammatory compound which not only acts as pain killer but also to prevent atherosclerosis and intestine cancer.Without apple,like berry fruits and vegetables are also found salicylic acid.

Oil prevents ulcer:
Olive oil,sunflower oil,fish oil prevents stomach ulcer.Recently,the researchers of American College of Gastroenterology has found this information.Their opinion is that some elements have this oil which acts to prevent helicobacter pylori.But coconut oil,palm oil or this kind of other oil has no this type of elements.

                                                 Mango makes body thin:
Mango is very essential for controlling weight of body.Australian scientists has proved that its                     keeps great contribution of skin.In researching has shown that its                 stops to grow fat cells of human body.Scientists has found that it has an important element which name is fetochemical.It destroys fat cells of human body.This fetochemical is found outside of body.The professor,Mike Gidla,of Queensland University has said that many knows the nutrition of mangoes.But now an important element has found in mango.This researching shows us that we should take best thing from nature.This researching has done for prevention of obesity.This is second success for Australian scientists