Diabetes:low glycemic diet

Food listed is a great way to control Diabetes.Low glycemic diet is a great strategy.Glycemic index is a index of carbohydrate food.By this index,we can understand a specific carbohydrate,which increase sugar level in body after meal,also this food we can select in case of diabetes patients.

Some matters which we have to know:
1.Gradual high sugar of blood can damage kidneys,eyes,heart,and nerve.

2.Carbohydrate food which increase sugar in blood gradually,their are called low glycemic index food.If anyone is affected by Diabetes,they should intake low  glycemic and medium glycemic food.

3.A plan for food is counted carbohydrate.How much carbohydrate food you swallowed,should be counted.

4.Men tempt in  various way of various carbohydrate food of glycemic index.If you check your blood sugar before or after meal,you can identify by taking glycemic food.

5.If you take mix food,glycemic index can be changed.

6.You should eat not only nutritional foodbut also glycemic food,it is very important of food plan such as low glycemic food is found more in ice cream which has saturated food and you can take it seldom.Again high glycemic such as vitamin C,potassium,and fiber have in potato.

7.But high glycemic food should not avoid at one time.Eat low amount so that it effects low on blood sugar.If you take high glycemic food with low glycemic food,blood sugar does not increase quickly.

Some detaills about glycemiv index:
Glycemic index is that,what how much quickly increase blood sugar after taking carbohydrate food in body.Low glycemic food increase blood sugar slowly hence the index of blood sugar can not rise quickly.This diet plan is called "Low Gi diet"

Low glycemic food:
It breaks in body slowly and sugar spreads also slowly.

High glycemic food:
Breaks quickly and also increase blood sugar quickly.Carbohydrate food increase blood sugar quickly whilst other fatty food and protein does not do that.This food is valued 0-100.High glycemic food is that which increase blood sugar quickly;their rating is 70 or more.The food which increase blood sugar moderately,this is called medium glycemic food.;their rating is 56 to 69.The food which increase blood sugar slowly is called low glycemic food;their rating is 55 or below.Carbohydrate food which is eaten,is mostly low and medium glycemic food.More information will be found from American Diabetes Association.Please visit:

Low glycemic food listed in below:
1.Dry beans or beans crops
2.Carbohydrate free vegetables;broccoli,pepper
3.Some carbohydrate vegetables food;sweet potato
4.Crops but not flour
5.Red rice
6.Fruits;pineapple,black berry,dry fruit,cherry etc.

Moderate glycemic:
Fresh fruit apricot,pineapple,spaghetti etc

High glycemic:
Flour,mill rice,date,water melon,potato