Easy way to control Diabetes

Train can not run without oil.Our body is also a machine like a train.This machines oil is glucose substance.If we want to utilize this glucose as a right work,insulin should be needed.Insulin supplies the glucose in our body tissue.This insulin is made from pancreas.When pancreas do not make sufficient insulin  or body can not use or unable to use this created insulin,then glucose is increasing in blood.So,body acts irreverent activities.This situation is called Diabetes.

It is not a new disease,its history is very ancient.Egyptians discovered this disease in 1500 A.D.In the same time,Indians also discovered this disease.International Diabetes Federation has shown a statistics that in 2030,552 million people will have been attacked by this disease  hence 1 people will be attacked by this disease out of 10.If it would have true,in two decades, 200 million people will be added type-2 Diabetes as a new health problem.According to WHO,now 346 people are suffering this disease .

According to UN,Diabetes is a long term and expensive disease which  creates serious complication in health science.Because patients what have they taken or swallowed,glucose is making from them.So,this glucose is not used fully in body.As a result,their blood is becoming more thick than normal.