When fear is unnecessary

Fear is one kind of emotional approaching of threat and danger.Psy choscientists John B Watson and Paul Akman has said that it is one kind of instinct and basic emotion while joy,sorrow,angry are also an emotion.Specific afraid  is socially accepted of specific things or situation.Example:children become scared from sudden heavy sound,darkness of night,thunder,gun shooting,or bomb sound,groaning of cloud,or even ghost fear etc are normal matter of afraid.

But it crosses limited of normality and becomes severe or when it is unnecessary,it is counted as a disease.Generally this situation is called phobia or phobic disorder or unnecessary fear disease.There is some different between fear and phobia.Phobia affected person becomes excessive scared comparing of environment and situation.

Example-some becomes unnecessary excessive fear from lizards.They start shouting to see the lizards.Necessary daily works never hamper in case of normal afraid but daily life,personal life,education life hamper because of phobia.Affected people can understand that this fear is unnecessary or excessive but he/she can not avoid it.

Which matter or situation create it,or when he/she faces this situation,then physical and mental symptoms shows due to excessive worrying.Of what symptoms can be seen in phobia affected people when he/she faces the matter or situation which creates fear are given below:

1.Legs and hands trembling
2.Face becoming dry
3.Heat burn
4.difficulty to inhale
5.Chest pressure as well as chest pain
 6.Excessive sweating
9.Headache can be appeared
11.Body stretching
12.Abdominal disorder
14.Vomiting or nausea.

These symptoms can turn into severe condition for a while when patients face scared matter or situation.This time the person feel that he is becoming a mad  or about to die.It is mention that though these symptoms do not lead to severe damage or death but the person feel severe acrid experience when he face this situation and once this symptoms become disappear.

Specific phobia:
Unnecessary or excessive fear because of specific things ,matter,or situation is called specific phobia.This fear is divided into several division.

Animal matters:
Person get excessive or unnecessary fear from dogs,snakes,cockroach,spider etc.

Natural environmental matter:
In this matter,it grows various natural environment.Such as cyclones,heavy wind,sea etc

Blood,needle,or infection matter:
In this matter the person get fear from blood,infection,injection etc whether from medical treatment.

Situation matter:
In this person can get it from many situation such as riding in plane,using lift or closet area etc

In case of children,loud sound,or specific uniform person or character can create phobia.

Causes of excessive fear:
Excessive fear can be created by giving same wrong information regularly,or giving careful advice regularly.Psychologists have given many causes of excessive afraid.They say that persons are risky if his parents or his blood relatives had an experience of specific phobia.Besides this,from childhood children,s mental growth disorder,derangement of family and social environment,lack of co-operation and sympathetic situation,poverty,deceased of his/her adoring person in his childhood etc can increase this disease.The risk of this disease can increase because of his/her personality derangement.

Various types of psycho-social pressure,alcohol etc can create the risk of this disease.In various age various types of fear can commence this disease.Scared from animals,blood,cyclones can show from early childhood.Height afraid can be shown usually commencing adolescence beginning of juvenile age in specific situation can create phobia.Females are more risky than males.A new researching has brought to light that female this disease mostly than other mental disease.Condition of specific phobia in male is second situation among mental disease.

The main motto of treatment is  reducing of symptoms of the patients so that his daily lifestyle does not hamper severely.Behavior therapy is applied in case of specific matters.By this treatment,unexpected or unusual manners  can change by applying gradual habits and strategy.

"Systematic Desensitization" therapy which is one kind of behavior therapy is applied in treatment of specific phobia.In this case,must be remembered that session should be done with psychotherapist daily and also should be done daily practice at home  by psychotherapist,s advice.Besides,by "cognitive therapy"also should applied to change patient,s negative thinking  of any subjects as well as with other treatment.Sometimes some cases reducing of worrying of physical and mental symptoms,medicines also can be needed to use.